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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: paul

Member#: 5
Registered: 24-07-2002
Diary Entries: 71

Mood: Well Chuffed
18th April 2003
Windsurfing: Long Rock Cornwall
Wind Direction: East
Wind Stength: Variable
Surf / Sea State: Flat/Wind Chop
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature:
Weather: Sunny
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

I got up this morning to more wind than I had expected, so headed off for a windsurf. I ended up at Longrock as it was packed out by the Station house because of the UKWA championships. It was pretty blowy so I rigged my 5m NR and took out my Naish board, it was ok for a couple of runs then the wind seemed to drop away so I headed back in and rigged my 6.4 Trixx instead. This was a lot better than the 5m so I had a great session, the sail even looked a lot better, I'd rigged with a little less downhaul and a little more outhaul and it felt and looked a lot better than last time out. I got some nice little chop hops and some nice fast gybes as there was a kind of lagoon that made for some flat water on the inside. The only thing to watch out for was the rocks. Unfortuantly the wind dropped again so I swapped boards and took out my Techno, which I haven't tried with the 6.4 and I think to be fair it was probably to small a sail for the board, but I did catch a few gusts and managed to chop hop the board which is a wierd feeling as it is so wide, it just seems to float in the air. The wind then seemed to fill back in so I quickly changed boards again and had another couple of good runs with the naish board before the wind eased away.
Toys Used:
Naish Quest 258 - 100l
Bic Techno 283 - 152l
Neil Pryde NR 5.0
Arrows Trixx 6.4



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